31 December 2013

Happy..... :D

Here we go again...
One more year over, next one is just a midnight kiss away...
Will it be better than the last? We'll see!

Everything is possible, you just have to be the ones to make it that way, and that's why we have all the crazy new years resolutions popping out in our heads every December. Next year I'll be a better person, so yeah, don't start right away, wait for the 1st of Jan. I'll start going to the gym, what's the difference between now and that 01/01? I'll travel more, I'll find myself a boyfriend, I'll start diet, I'll stop eating crappy food, I'll do more good deeds... Why do we always have to start with all our decisions from Monday, or in this case from the 1st of January?
This is the reason why I never do this resolutions, if I decide to do something I'll do it right then and there! So should everyone else, specially with 'being a better person' part :)

That being said, let's run through the past year...
It's been crazy and tiring and also calm and peaceful, it's been hectic and fun, it's been sad and happy, it's been surprising and boring, there was love and kisses, fights and tears, lots of new friendships and the ones that come and go, positive and negative - it's been everything I can imagine...
And while all this was happening life didn't ask me where I was at the moment!
This year I've crossed some of my Bucket list wishes and put some new ones on it (that list will never ever be finished).
We all grew up a little bit, we all made mistakes, and we all did something to be proud of... At the end of the year, putting everything together, summarizing good and bad happy and sad I can say I'm still happy with everything that came along, and with everything what's in front of me, waiting to happen... 
Happy to be strong enough to help, happy to be brave enough to try, happy to be smart enough to decide, happy to love enough (and much more than that), happy to BE loved, happy to be me and happy to have people I have beside me no matter what!

This was my 2013...
Celebrating New Year at Nasimi beach with my girls, one of them decided to go back home, the other one is still here housing me on her couch almost every day :)

In February I took leave and went to see friends in London, sunny week in usually rainy town :)
Also I went to Brazil for the first time... Climbed Great wall of China and saw K2 from the cockpit, layover in Casablanca too!

Spent my birthday in New Zealand and Australia with great people who made me remember that day for the rest of my life! Had my friends for dinner and crossed another wish from my list - to swim with dolphins! Went to Singapore, Melbourne, Tunis, Brisbane, Auckland, Dar es Salaam...

Dar es Salaam

April was perfect for a visit to Prague, Durban, Barcelona and Shanghai and than another week in London...





In May I was already crazy to go back home, for the first time I felt the need to be home, I was in such a bad emotional state and a week in Zagreb made me better, made me top up my batteries and kept me going (since then I'm going home every two months haha). But before that I had to go to Jakarta, China (which made me even more depressed when you see a city like Guangzhou), Kuala Lumpur, Manchester and a celebration dinner - one year in Dubai...


June came and went away, half of the year passed by us and we haven't even realized it! Miss Adri had her b'day party once again (I baked my first birthday cake EVER!) :), and for the first time we had our annual exams to renew our flying licences. Whole month of celebrating something - as well our boys coming in town weeeee! (bad boys bad boys what you're gonna do...? I don't know why this song always pops in my head when I say boys and town in the same sentence) :D :D
Lisbon, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and a cherry on top shopping and gossiping day with my lovely friend in Manchester.



Hot summer started in Dubai, Ramadan too, so I went back to Croatia to chill a little bit again... One week before went to Houston for 4th of July and after Zagreb went to Mauritius :) I tried to count flights but it was impossible even though I write down every flight I got lost in numbers :)

Klenovica, Croatia


August was pretty boring :) Only one new destination - Copenhagen, the rest was same same but different!

September ended up being more interesting with Warsaw, Los Angeles and Rome on my roster! I started writing a column for an online portal and playing tennis again! My 'new year' always starts in September not 1st of Jan :) Decision was made to start going to the gym and eat healthier as well, so far so good must say :)


Los Angeles




Top bid month came and my roster said - RIO DE JANEIRO! One more wish crossed over! Small 3 days vacation in Brazil, couldn't wish for more... In Seattle I went accidentally and, World being small as it is, I met another Croatian who lives there and who showed me around a little bit :)



2 more months and the year is over, time flies so freaking fast, is it only me or what but it's crazy sometimes how I feel there's not enough time for everything I wanna do and everywhere I wanna go and all the things I wanna see AAAAA! hahaha...
So in November I came home again for a week, no idea I'll be back here for Christmas too...
Week after that my dear Sandra came for a visit and we were all around, desert safari, Alicia Keys concert, Gold Souk, Madinat, all the biggest malls, Fountains, Burj Al Arab... Typical tourist places :)

Dubai won EXPO 2020!
London, Colombo, a few turnarounds and here we are in December, Glasgow, Edinburgh, another London, Manila, Jakarta and my lovely Zagreb... As I said, it wasn't planned but my mom got very sick and I just needed to go so I did everything I could to have 7 days off to come home and be with my family, you know, selfishly like that :)

Oxford street, London

Princess street, Edinburgh

And now I doooooon't waaaaaaant to go baaaaaaaack....... :) Few more days would be perfect! I needed it desperately! :)

But Copenhagen, Lagos in Nigeria, Bangkok, Malta and who knows what else is waiting...!
Anyway... This was my busy year, and I can't wait to see what next one has prepared for me :)
Until then have a very happy New Year, and Merry Christmas although I'm being late one week :), and I wish you all whatever you wish for yourselves to come true! I wish you more love and happiness, specially health, good friends, lots of hugs and kisses and cuddling and laughter, beautiful travels and vacations... I can go on and on and on but should really start washing my hair, doing my nails and putting some glitters on for tonight! hihi!

XO when the clock strikes twelve! :* 


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