When inspiration hits you just before you jump in bed, turn off the lights and try to fall asleep, your brain just goes wild but you are to lazy and tired to turn the lights back on, take a pen and paper and write down all the ideas that pop up in your mind in those few minutes...
That's what happened yesterday, once again, plus I was too excited about the column I started to write for a Croatian online portal, released yesterday and every Monday from now on (just have to brag here a little bit as well :p cause I'm so happy about it :)) so now I'm sitting here at Adri's place while she's packing for a Colombo flight, looking at the screen, typing this nonsense and trying to remember all those super extra funny and smart things I thought about writing last night :))
Anyway... Last 10 days were pretty hectic, flight here, flight there, run back home for 2 days, come back just in time for another flight or two...and now I finally have 2 days off before the next one so I'll give my best to describe to you one more layover, one more new destination - Warsaw!
Short flight from Dubai in a small Airbus 330-200, maximum of 184 pax in economy with 5 amazing crew :) and at noon we were already at the hotel. Standard procedure, get the room key, get the allowance, set the meeting time, shower and change of clothes and we are more than ready to visit the city on the warm September weekend afternoon...
Europeans discovering Europe :)
Everywhere you can you appreciate the chance to WALK around the city so we did. Since I didn't have enough time to make some sightseeing plan for the day we just went out clueless :)
Map in one hand as always, camera in the other one as always and hungry like crazy AS ALWAYS we walked to the Warsaw's historic Old Town that was inscribed onto UNESCO's World Heritage list 33 years ago.
Warsaw - the capital and largest city of Poland, it is an Alpha – global city, a major international tourist destination and an important economic hub in Central Europe.
It is also known as the "phoenix city" - because it has survived so many wars throughout its history, the city had to be thoroughly rebuilt after the extensive damage it suffered in World War II, during which 85% of its buildings were destroyed.
In 1945, after the bombing, the revolts, the fighting, and the demolition had ended, most of Warsaw lay in ruins. After the war, under a Communist regime set up by the conquering Soviets, the "Bricks for Warsaw" campaign was initiated - many of the historic streets, buildings, and churches were restored to their original form.
Warsaw's name in the Polish language is Warszawa, means "belonging to Warsz".
Folk etymology attributes the city name to a fisherman Wars and his wife Sawa. According to legend, Sawa was a mermaid living in the Vistula River with whom Wars fell in love...
It was a hot and sunny day in the city full of tourists exploring the streets, locals enjoying their day off or working for ones or the others, street performers entertaining everyone around... Lots of happenings everywhere! People spending these last weekends of summer outside soaking up the sun and good vibes, or simply sharing them for an upcoming winter :)
After some wandering around we finally had lunch, a big portion of food that reminds you of the one your mom or grandma would put on the table in front of you, homemade kinda looking meal, very tasty and cheap too... ;)
Tired as hell, sleepy and with our feet in pain, but with some icecream in hand to cool us down we came back to the hotel, I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow...
Same thing's gonna happen right now as well since I woke up early, went for some aerobic class (yeees I did, for real this time :p), spent a day in Dubai mall and now writing this simultaneously while watching some movie about Danish court in 18th century, which is totally irrelevant piece of information for this post but my brain is starting to skip from one thought to another in a split of a second once again and that's a sign for me that is time to publish this and go to bed :)
That's what happened yesterday, once again, plus I was too excited about the column I started to write for a Croatian online portal, released yesterday and every Monday from now on (just have to brag here a little bit as well :p cause I'm so happy about it :)) so now I'm sitting here at Adri's place while she's packing for a Colombo flight, looking at the screen, typing this nonsense and trying to remember all those super extra funny and smart things I thought about writing last night :))
Anyway... Last 10 days were pretty hectic, flight here, flight there, run back home for 2 days, come back just in time for another flight or two...and now I finally have 2 days off before the next one so I'll give my best to describe to you one more layover, one more new destination - Warsaw!
(FREE HUUUUGS!!!) :)))
Short flight from Dubai in a small Airbus 330-200, maximum of 184 pax in economy with 5 amazing crew :) and at noon we were already at the hotel. Standard procedure, get the room key, get the allowance, set the meeting time, shower and change of clothes and we are more than ready to visit the city on the warm September weekend afternoon...
Europeans discovering Europe :)
(nowhere without it) :))
Everywhere you can you appreciate the chance to WALK around the city so we did. Since I didn't have enough time to make some sightseeing plan for the day we just went out clueless :)
Map in one hand as always, camera in the other one as always and hungry like crazy AS ALWAYS we walked to the Warsaw's historic Old Town that was inscribed onto UNESCO's World Heritage list 33 years ago.
(this girl just caught my eye...)
It is also known as the "phoenix city" - because it has survived so many wars throughout its history, the city had to be thoroughly rebuilt after the extensive damage it suffered in World War II, during which 85% of its buildings were destroyed.
In 1945, after the bombing, the revolts, the fighting, and the demolition had ended, most of Warsaw lay in ruins. After the war, under a Communist regime set up by the conquering Soviets, the "Bricks for Warsaw" campaign was initiated - many of the historic streets, buildings, and churches were restored to their original form.
Warsaw's name in the Polish language is Warszawa, means "belonging to Warsz".
Folk etymology attributes the city name to a fisherman Wars and his wife Sawa. According to legend, Sawa was a mermaid living in the Vistula River with whom Wars fell in love...
(waiting for his bride...)
It was a hot and sunny day in the city full of tourists exploring the streets, locals enjoying their day off or working for ones or the others, street performers entertaining everyone around... Lots of happenings everywhere! People spending these last weekends of summer outside soaking up the sun and good vibes, or simply sharing them for an upcoming winter :)
After some wandering around we finally had lunch, a big portion of food that reminds you of the one your mom or grandma would put on the table in front of you, homemade kinda looking meal, very tasty and cheap too... ;)
(it's obvious who's the most excited about the food) :D
Tired as hell, sleepy and with our feet in pain, but with some icecream in hand to cool us down we came back to the hotel, I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow...
Same thing's gonna happen right now as well since I woke up early, went for some aerobic class (yeees I did, for real this time :p), spent a day in Dubai mall and now writing this simultaneously while watching some movie about Danish court in 18th century, which is totally irrelevant piece of information for this post but my brain is starting to skip from one thought to another in a split of a second once again and that's a sign for me that is time to publish this and go to bed :)
Have a good night everyone and sweet dreams...
I know I will... :)
Hej Tea. :D
ReplyDeleteSlučajno sam danas naišla na ovaj tvoj blog (preko kolumne na Index Rouge-u) i oduševila sam se. Jel možeš vjerovati da sam provela cijelo popodne pa sve do sad (izuzev 3 sata kada sam otišla na trening) čitajući sve postove od početka? :D Jako volim putovati pa me posebno zato oduševljavaju tvoja putovanja. Drago mi je da si se super snašla i da živiš time of your life.
Oni pingvini u Cape Townu su preslatki, em zbog toga što su se iz dva para razmnožili u 3000 primjeraka, em zato jer ostaju sa svojom boljom polovicom do kraja života. :) Žirafe, dupini i mali lavovi su preeeslatki, i ljubomorna sam na sve te dogodovštine.
Za nešto manje od mjesec dana idem u Prag pa sam oduševljeno pročitala onaj post o tvom posjetu Pragu. Doduše, idem na natjecanje pa neću imati turističkog vodiča niti dovoljno vremena za razgledati osim par popodnevnih sati, ali bih rado htjela vidjeti Charles Bridge i zid Johna Lennona kao i Prague Castle i Astronomical Clock. Onda bih se i osjećala pametno jer bih znala nešto o tome, a ne samo kao tuka gledala i slikala se pored toga haha. Jel mi možeš reći je li išta od toga četvero u međusobnoj blizini? Također, ako uspijem pronaći ovaj restoran Luka Lu, bit ću presretna!! :D
Malo sam se raspisala, ali stvarno sam sretna što sam našla ovaj blog. Željno iščekujem nove postove! :D
Btw. imenjakinje smo, tako da mi je jasno kada stranci pomisle da se naše ime izgovara kao čaj na engleskom i slično haha. Lijepi pozdravi i nadam se da ćeš imati vremena komentirati ovaj moj suludo dugi komentar. :)
I da, zaboravih nadodati, lijepi pozdravi iz najdražeg Zagreba. ;)
Deleteheeeeeej :))
Deletebas mi je drago da si se raspisala i citala od pocetka hahaha :)
sto se tice praga sve ti je jedno do drugo fakat ful blizu, 10ak mnutica setnje, vidjet ces, nije taj centar i stari grad tako velik :) lennon wall je s jedne strane mosta ali pitaj nekoga tamo kako da dodes do njega jer ni ja ne znam, mi smo isto pitali u ducanima i restoranima domace ljude pa su nas uputili. a sat je na drugoj strani mosta u staroj jezgri. dvorac je ooooogroman tako da ne mozes ni stic sve vidjet :)
restoran takoder, lako ga je naci samo nadi adresu na internetu i blizu je lennon walla, s te strane rijeke-mosta. reci im da smo ti ga mi, crew, preporucili, a nama ga je preporucio Ivan sa recepcije u hotelu don giovanni, znat ce tko je ivan ;)
a ako ces moci i htjeti posalji mi slikicu iz praga, pocet cu objavljivati slikice koje mi citatelji budu slali :))
sretno na natjecanju iz cega god da je :) i keep in touch!
p.s. i mene je prica o pingvincekima posebno odusevila <3
Hvala. :) Natjecanje iz plesa, akrobatskog rock 'n' rolla, vjerojatno nikad nisi čula za to haha.
ReplyDeleteImat ću to sve na umu što si mi rekla, ali ne znam stvarno u kojem ćemo dijelu Praga biti smještene niti koliko ćemo vremena imati za prošetati gradom. :/
Ako će biti neka slikica (a budući da se sve cure iz grupe obožaaavaju slikati, sigurno će biti) pošaljem ti. :D
Čitam te i dalje. :)
I slučajno sam ovo napisala kao novi komentar umjesto "reply" na onaj stari. Haha blesava je.
DeleteHej, mene baš zanima, kako dobijate taj allowance na layoverima? Da li vam ih daju u lokalnoj valuti, ili eurima, dolarima pa vi zamenite...I ako je prvi slučaj, šta radiš sa ostatkom :D
ReplyDeleteHej :)
DeleteAllowance u 99% slucajeva dobijemo u lokalnoj valuti pa ako nam ostane viska zamijenimo na aerodromu prije odlaska iz zemlje (ako se ta valuta ne moze mijenjati u Dubaiju jer je neki divlji novac iz afrike u pitanju haha), ali ako nam ostanu dolari, euri, funte to si najcesce sacuvamo za iduci put jer ce uvijek na nekom layoveru dobro doci extra :)))
neki ljudi odmah sve mijenju u dirhame cim dodu u Dubai jer im treba...ovisi :)