04 April 2012

I'll miss...this... :)

I wonder... What are the things You would miss?

Here's a list of mine...

- my window view in the morning, especially in this time of the year, sun is up, birds are singing, everything is so colorful and full of life!

- sitting outside my house with my dog Kala beside me, just chilling in the sun, a little peace and quiet time...

- tuesday evenings with my girls! Our motto could be - We eat, we drink, we gossip and that makes us happy :))

- having lunch with my little crazy family every Sunday :) Especially homemade dishes my Mom and Granny make so perfectly tasty :D (if you haven't noticed already I reallyyyyyyy LOVEEE food) :)))

- driving!!! I'd have to take driving lessons in Dubai to get my new UAE driving licence, but I will! Trust me! :)

- Klenovica! Very very small town, well, village would be more appropriate :) on the coast, where we have a house and go there every summer for vacation. 
Great friends, beautiful and cold sea :) best pizza... It will be the 1st time I won't go there in 25 years :)

- my books... I love reading and buying books. The big plan is to have my own little home library one day :))

- more or less every kind of a party or celebration! Birthday, dinner or graduation parties... 
- bachelorette parties of my two gorgeous brides to be, Miss U and Miss S (soon to be Mrs) :), 
- friday nights out with my little blond Miss M, walks through the city with my Miss T eating icecream, summer concerts with my sister D and Misses M, S & A...

This was top few things in my life that makes me happy! What are yours?

XO XO from Me!


  1. Krasno :) još nisam otišla, a čitajući tvoje stvari počele su mi slične mojima falit... al zato ćemo polijepit sve te slikice na naš zid i uvijek imat svoje najdraže uza sebe ;)

  2. You almost made me cry... :( I would definitely miss that peaceful paradise where we live, Tuesday nights with you and Miss M, instead Kala, my hamster (hahaha), my nephew - maybe even the most... And not to mention my mister Handsome - I would take him with me. :D But then, you will replace all these great things with some other lovely places you'll visit, friends who you'll meet, and we have Skype (Thank You Lord), so we can still have our Tuesday nights - or mornings :D books - well, while flying over the Ocean, I bet you'll have plenty of time to read :)

    1. No crying! Big girls don't cry :*
      You're right about everything... except one thing - I won't be reading while flying over the ocean, I'll be WORKING! :)
